Saturday, September 5, 2009

A New World

Well, it is indeed a new world. One in which just about anyone can say just about anything and post it to the world. Or, at least, to the world which has access.

And so, on the suggestion of several good friends, I am entering this new world. Tentatively. With some trepidation.

At least for now I will call it mission musings. Nothing profound there but at this point musings seems a good way to think about things that have to do with mission. And there is a lot to think about.

Consider this an introduction. There will be more to follow.



  1. Indeed. A new way for some of us ... a new way of communication ... a new way of conversation. Lets muse.

  2. It is like jumping off a cliff without knowing where the bottom is. We shall see where this goes when I get geared up.

  3. If anyone can "muse" about missions, it is you, Franklin! I look forward to reading your comments

  4. I look forward to reading your insights and I am personally glad that you have decided to do this

  5. Welcome to the new world, Franklin! :-) It's good to see you here.

